Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Everbuying 4 Size Makeup Bag Kit Review

As my wedding is approaching near, my room is getting full of bags and clothes. I am the most unorganized person on the earth even while traveling. I really hate carrying bags with me and leave all my things in car (Yes we travel mostly in cars. It’s been more than 12 years since I traveled in train or plane!). Now that I am getting married I know I had to travel a lot (Mr. MBT loves traveling!) and that would mostly involve traveling through air! So to prepare myself, I have started collecting makeup bags and I ordered Everbuying 4 piece makeup bag kit*. What impressed me the most about these bags is their different sizes. All are perfect for traveling. The makeup bag kits costs $8.63. I chose “red” color which is currently out of stock and you can buy this makeup bag kit in purple color HERE.

Everbuying 4 Size Makeup Bag Kit
Everbuying 4 Size Makeup Bag Kit
Everbuying 4 Size Makeup Bag Kit
Everbuying 4 Size Makeup Bag Kit
The interior of Everbuying 4 Size Makeup Bag Kit
The makeup bag kit comes in a small plastic case. They are made from PU leather which is of very good quality. The large bag contains medium bag and medium bag in turn contains small bag which in turn holds smallest bag. I literally loved the quality of the bags at this price! The zippers are of great quality and open and close easily with no hassles. I love carrying them with me while traveling. You can keep all your cosmetics like blush, foundation, lipstick, lip gloss, compact powder and mirror in large and medium bags. The smaller and smallest bag can easily be used for small items like jewelries, watches, medicines, hair clips and anything you find essential. Unlike other pouches you d not have to search for items deep. The zippers open up to the end and you can easily take out the item you want.

The bags are very light and can be easily kept in a bag or handbag. They come in 4 different colors- red, purple, black and royal blue. The best thing about the bags is they have textured patterns over them not just plain boring color! They have shiny finish and do not get dirty easily. I always make sure to clean them with a soft cloth or wipe when I get back home and store them nicely in my wardrobe!

4 in 1 bag!
Superb quality.
Store all my makeup products nicely.
The small ones can be used for jewelries or medicines.
I love the textured pattern and they are WATERPROOF.
Reasonably priced.
Free worldwide shipping!


Overall Thoughts:
I totally loved Everbuying Makeup Bag Kit. They are great for traveling and are super light. They are of great quality and will last really long. They store all my cosmetics and jewelries. If you travel a lot then I would definitely recommend this kit to you!

Rating: 5/5

Have you checked Everbuying? How do you carry your makeup stuff while traveling?

Stay pretty!

PS: I am so sorry I forgot to click the smallest bag! I got to know about it when I was editing pictures. Do let me know if you want to see the smallest size too!
PS1: Have updated the picture!

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