Sunday, November 1, 2015

Qraa Underarm Black Spot Treatment Cream Review

Qraa Underarm Black Spot Treatment Cream
Though I love wearing sleeveless outfits but I get really conscious  when I need to raise my arms (the most common concern of girls--- Dark underarms!)! My underarms skin is really sensitive and it burns like hell if I apply perfume, deo or hair removal cream directly on skin. I can’t even think of going for waxing. I was really worried about my underarms as my wedding is near and I bought pretty, sleeveless outfits for my honeymoon *blushes*. Thanks to Qraa for coming at the right time and it is the best underarm whitening cream I have tried till date! Qraa Underarm Black Spot Treatment Cream* is priced at 360 INR and you can buy online on their website HERE or on Amazon HERE.

Ingredients and description
Qraa Underarm Black Spot Treatment Cream
Swatch of Qraa Underarm Black Spot Treatment Cream
Qraa Underarm Whitening Cream comes in a sturdy, white, opaque, squeezable plastic tube with a flip top lid. All the information is printed at the back. The lid is quite tight and you can easily carry the tube in your bag while traveling. The cream is cream in color with a mild and refreshing scent of peppermint. 

The texture of the cream is soft and smooth with creamy consistency. Before applying this cream, make sure your skin is clean. I use this cream right after my shower. I simply take a small amount of cream on my finger and massage it gently on underarms skin. It spreads easily and gets absorbed pretty quickly. It gives a cooling sensation to my skin that I totally like. The scent is mild and fades away after few minutes. It does not leave spots or marks and does not leave any stain on my shirt or dress. It feels light and makes me stay fresh the whole day. Though it is pretty cold weather here but I do not sweat after using this cream even if I do exercise. To start with, I do not sweat a lot even when it is pretty hot! It does not cause any burning or stinging sensation to my sensitive underarms!

I have been using this underarm whitening cream for 2 weeks and I can definitely see visible lightening of skin. It reduces dark spots and makes my skin look light and moisturized. It also reduces small pimples and rashes that occur if the skin gets clogged up. It contains licorice extracts and kojic acid that reduce melanin production to make underarms light and fair. It is advised to use the cream for 2 months to get the utmost results! I will definitely update the post with results after 2 months. I can see the results in 15 days and I am sure it will prove effective in lightening my underarms after 2 months!

Lovely and refreshing scent.
No sweating or perspiration the whole day.
Makes underarms lighter and soft. IT WORKS!
No reaction on my sensitive underarms.
Does not leave sticky or greasy residue behind.
Does not stain my clothes.
Convenient packaging.
Lasts long.
I do not need to wait long before I can wear my dress.

If you have very dark underarms you will have to use it continuously for 3-4 months to get results!

Overall Thoughts:
Qraa Underarm Black Spot Treatment Cream is definitely the best underarm whitening product I have tried till date! It gets absorbed quickly and feels as if I have applied nothing on my skin. It makes skin lighter with continuous usage. If you have darker underarms then I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to try it out!

Rating: 4.8/5

My Tips:
Always apply the cream on clean skin.
Use it twice a day to get quick results.
Use it daily for 2-3 months!

Are you interested in trying Qraa Underarm Black Spot Treatment Cream? What do you do to prevent darkening of your underarms?

Stay pretty!

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